December Currently - Bonus Post

This is a bonus post for the day.  It just won't happen if I wait until tomorrow.  I have missed the last few Currentlys and figured I needed to make it happen now.

Listening:  I know!  It is an outlandish movie, and I almost peed my pants the first time I saw it.  So silly, and so funny.  One of my nephews is deployed (in a relatively safe place) and we've been trading lines on Facebook.  
Loving:  I am totally planned for the upcoming week!  Enough said!
Thinking:  Really, really, really, have to be careful not to slip up and throw a line out there or it is all over until after Winter Break.
Wanting: No explanation necessary
Needing:  Stop blogging and go to bed!
Giving:  I need to be focused on the moment and not let myself get all stressed out by the season.  We are going back to MAP testing, R-Skills, SRI, and semester grades - I need to keep them moving, but I need to enjoy the little things with them.  They are such a great class, they make me smile and laugh everyday.  I need to do the same for them during this stressful stretch.

Don't forget to go link up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade!  She has a great idea about Random Acts of Kindness for the month - I am totally stealing it!


  1. Can't wait to see 22 Jump Street- loved the first one!
    Always nerdy,

  2. I'm so proud of you for being planned for the week! Were you off last week? We only had the two days so I am really looking forward to Winter Break! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. Love this. "To be in the moment" is a great call for "Giving". Something I need to do, too! Glad to find a fellow middle school teacher on here! :)

    A Middle School Survival Guide

  4. Isn't Channing Tatum a cutie?! That movie is a serious laugh-fest!
