1. I have been flying under the blogosphere for a few weeks, and it is time to check in! The last month of school has been crazy! Actually, it has been CRAZY! Something had to give, and it was blogging. When I started this little blog, I promised myself that I would only post the positive...therefore the radio silence. Honestly, I have had a difficult time trying to find the words.
2. The end of the year jockeying for positions on next year's master schedule, was a little stressful. I managed to keep my head down and stay out of it, but still very stressful to watch friends in the process. After much negotiating (and resisting the urgings of some of colleagues to apply for the GATE openings), my principal agreed to keep my Read 180 self-contained class intact, but my partner is moving to ASB and four periods of single classes of Read 180...across the campus. So just a little sad.
3. Change is never easy. This last week was full of retirement surprises for a sweet teacher who has been my next-door neighbor at school for years. Her decision to retire was bittersweet and emotional. Two weeks ago, we lost another 6th grade colleague to her long battle with cancer. She had managed to teach right up until Spring Break. Emotions have been high in our little pod. Change is never easy.
4. So in the midst of all the justifiable emotional turmoil of our little pod, and after another 6th Grade Field Day (or as I like to call it, "Chaos on the Field Day"), I was struggling to not have a meltdown and curl up in ball to cry behind my desk, and this little ray of sunshine came tottering in on her grown up heels to deliver my ticket to her graduation.
After the emotional turmoil and end of the year madness, I found myself wiping away tears as I watched at least 20 of my girls (I taught an all girls Read 180 self-contained for 6 years) march across the platform to get their diploma. On the way home, even though I was exhausted and tearful, I felt recharged and ready to meet another group of my kids.
5. Yesterday, was the last day of school. I left after the luncheon, came home and picked up my little Lucy, and went back to try get my room ready for checkout - on time. On time is something I have never even attempted, I linger and reorganize for days. But after attending the funeral for my colleague, I realized that I needed to jump back in to life. I have been on hold for the last few years, dealing with the death of my parents and their estate. Things are happening this summer, the house is getting finished, I am actually hiring a gardener, long walks are happening, a few camping trips are in the near future, and I have not so little puppy to pick up!
Late yesterday, my principal surprised me by offering to check me out early. I took him up on it! Lucy may have charmed him with her sad lonely story, but I am not questioning it. In a little bit, Lucy and I are off to pick up Hank, and SUMMER HAS STARTED! I can only hope that I still look as cool driving up the coast as I did on my first tricycle!