However, I did make workouts this morning, managed to dry both computers off (and they are still working), and I did finish up a new FREEBIE for everyone. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR'S!
I had this silly goal this year to make a hundred posts by 2014. I am at 99 posts. I have a serious thing about even numbers, but posting twice tonight would be ridiculous. It would be ridiculous, right? Of course it would, so I am asking you to hold me accountable - call me out if I post again tonight.
My other blog related goal was to reach the magical 300 followers by 2014. At last check, I had 280 on Bloglovin and 71 on Google (again, an uneven number!). So, in blogging terms, I am a total failure...unless you can add the Bloglovin and Google numbers together???? I need someone else to make that call for me. Is there a blogging referee out there that can clarify that blogging point of order? My self-worth is in the balance.
Jennifer of Mrs. Laffin's Laughings had a post yesterday about picking one word for the upcoming year, rather than making a list of resolutions. I am still working on my word. It might have to be a creative word, something like...
I am still working on editing it down a little.
Jennifer linked up today with a Simply Kinder for a Teaching Blog Linky Party. I checked it out, and decided I really liked the idea of linking up without any pressure to post just the right thing. Love it!
So click on over and find some new blogs to follow and some cool teaching ideas!
Finally, I wanted to share a FREEBIE. It is up at my TpT store, and will be FREE forever. This is not a flash freebie gimmick. It is something that I have been working out for a while, and since so many other people can use Earning actual money with this TpT thing is a little difficult for me, and sometimes goes against the teacher in me. So, I want to make sure that items that are really needed by a large group of teachers are available for all to use.
Those of you who are followers (I am not pointing fingers, just saying that I am 20 followers short:), know that I teach Read 180 in a self-contained classroom, and to an Intervention period of 7th graders. Finding the main idea and supporting details is something that we work on daily. I wanted a form that would walk them through doing it outside of small group.
They love the Perfect Paragraph Organizer, and I see this being a similar tool for my classroom. If you are interested, it is in my TpT store - click here to download! If you like what you see, please don't forget to "follow" and leave some feedback.
Seriously, it has been a joy and pleasure to share my teaching adventures with everyone out there in blogland. When I started this little blog back in April, I could not have imagined the connections and friendships that I made. Thank you for your support and friendship!
Happy New
The extra special fonts are by Shelia Melton! Visit her store!