Our family holiday gathering was just two days ago, so Christmas just came down today. Why is it always harder to take it down than to put it up?
So today, I sorted and packed all of my tree decorations by color and size, into little tubs. It made me so happy. You are probably not surprised, or you are surprised that they weren't already that way! I need to get back to work.
In my head, I am planning for lessons and our conferences! My school does not require a second set of parent conferences, but with my boo-boos, I like to do them again at the semester. One of the things that will be in their little packet is my New Semester's Resolutions!
It will be on 20% off until Wednesday afternoon!
Now, I have to finish a scarf for my niece, make a bunch of Bigfoots (or Bigfeet, or just Bigfoot? - in any case, it is a long story and a post for another time) for the classroom, and relive my twenties by watching Friends on Netflix (darn them and their evil plan to keep me from working)!
Hope your holidays were filled with love, friends, and family!

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