Oh dear, it is Sunday afternoon and I am NOT lesson planning! So sad for those of you who have to go to work tomorrow, but I do not have to go to work. We have the entire glorious week off! Since Jennifer is my dear bloggy friend, I am linking up anyway...okay, maybe it is to gloat just a little too:). In any case, here is "A Peek at my Week."
Staying up Late and Sleeping In
Shockingly, sleep is my top priority. I am going to do my best to go a little wild and stay up past my 8:00 p.m. bedtime, maybe as late as 9:30 p.m. Then I am going to do my best to sleep in past my double canine alarm clock, maybe until 6:00 a.m. "Slow down! Take it easy, girl," is probably what you are saying right now, but what happens during Thanksgiving break, stays in Thanksgiving break.
I have been amazingly good with my workouts and staying on my WW Points, and it has gone past my fat clothes finally fitting! This very afternoon I tried on three things I ordered online in my "size," and they are going back! Because they ain't my size no more, no more! I am finally starting to feel like me again. Last year was rough, but now it time to shed that mourning weight and get back to me. So, I am going to try to fit in a couple extra workouts this week. There are the sweetest group of "older ladies" (seriously, picture the Golden Girls Zumba'ing to Bollywood and Techno songs) who Zumba with me on Saturday mornings, and they keep inviting me to the classes they take on weekday mornings. I am not sure if they just enjoy my company or think that I belong in their group (heaven forbid!), but they are a blast and I am going to take them up on their invitation.
And I will be starting the Concept 2 Holiday Challenge on Thanksgiving Day. I want to do at least 250,000 meters by Christmas Eve. That should keep the holiday treats off my mind.
My Store
In between working out and sleeping, I really want to get going on some ideas I have my Teachers Pay Teachers store. It is really important to me to only put products in there that I use in my classroom, and I have a box full of things to update and to make pretty. Not to mention all the ideas that are whirling around in my brain. Yesterday, I was in the zone and created my newest product.
I have been doing this activity with my students for several years now, and realized that I needed to make it easier on myself. Just put it up on TPT last night, click on the picture to go check it out!
Turkey, Not!
Some of you might be thinking, "What about holiday plans?" Well, this year I have escaped the dead-bird-on-my-kitchen-counter tradition. This year, we have decided to have a big family gathering for Christmas and to skip Thanksgiving as a mandatory family gathering. Everybody's schedules were colliding and instead of stressing about it, we decided to pass. I am very fortunate, in that I get to see my family a lot (they all have keys to my house!), and since it is always at my house, and I am in charge of the stuffing, turkey, cookies, vegetables, organizing and coordinating...I am not going to miss that dead bird at all!
I am going to try to post a few times this week, but if you are not planning on visiting bloggyland because of holiday plans....
Thank you so much for taking the time to be a part of my blogosphere, I appreciate you all so much!
Have a wonderful holiday week with your family and friends!
I have been amazingly good with my workouts and staying on my WW Points, and it has gone past my fat clothes finally fitting! This very afternoon I tried on three things I ordered online in my "size," and they are going back! Because they ain't my size no more, no more! I am finally starting to feel like me again. Last year was rough, but now it time to shed that mourning weight and get back to me. So, I am going to try to fit in a couple extra workouts this week. There are the sweetest group of "older ladies" (seriously, picture the Golden Girls Zumba'ing to Bollywood and Techno songs) who Zumba with me on Saturday mornings, and they keep inviting me to the classes they take on weekday mornings. I am not sure if they just enjoy my company or think that I belong in their group (heaven forbid!), but they are a blast and I am going to take them up on their invitation.
And I will be starting the Concept 2 Holiday Challenge on Thanksgiving Day. I want to do at least 250,000 meters by Christmas Eve. That should keep the holiday treats off my mind.
My Store
In between working out and sleeping, I really want to get going on some ideas I have my Teachers Pay Teachers store. It is really important to me to only put products in there that I use in my classroom, and I have a box full of things to update and to make pretty. Not to mention all the ideas that are whirling around in my brain. Yesterday, I was in the zone and created my newest product.
I have been doing this activity with my students for several years now, and realized that I needed to make it easier on myself. Just put it up on TPT last night, click on the picture to go check it out!
Turkey, Not!
Some of you might be thinking, "What about holiday plans?" Well, this year I have escaped the dead-bird-on-my-kitchen-counter tradition. This year, we have decided to have a big family gathering for Christmas and to skip Thanksgiving as a mandatory family gathering. Everybody's schedules were colliding and instead of stressing about it, we decided to pass. I am very fortunate, in that I get to see my family a lot (they all have keys to my house!), and since it is always at my house, and I am in charge of the stuffing, turkey, cookies, vegetables, organizing and coordinating...I am not going to miss that dead bird at all!
I am going to try to post a few times this week, but if you are not planning on visiting bloggyland because of holiday plans....
Thank you so much for taking the time to be a part of my blogosphere, I appreciate you all so much!
Have a wonderful holiday week with your family and friends!

Enjoy your week off! (I am jealous.) Congratulations on your weight loss, and enjoy your extra workouts this week!
Fit to be Fourth
Congratulations on your WW success! I keep struggling with the same 10 lbs - lose it then gain it back after losing motivation. I've had a difficult time getting started again - maybe WW is the way to go. Do you go to meetings or do it on your own? I'd love to hear what's been working for you. Enjoy your week off!!
Are We There Yet?