Vertical Number Line!

Monday is starting to be a day I look forward to because of the linky parties.  Today, I am linking up with Christy over at Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road for her linky.
1st I have to share these yummy pear and walnut muffins.  Last week, after my bread disaster, I decided to try my hand at some healthy muffins.  This coming school year, I want to have super healthy breakfast muffins in the freezer and ready to go.  So, I have been collecting muffin recipes.  I found this one at My Recipes.
They were delicious!  I substituted applesauce for oil, and vanilla greek yogurt for plain yogurt.  They were sweet and nutty.  Only one problem, I was using a new muffin pan and the ones in the middle were not as "done" as the ones on the outside.  Next time, I need to leave them in for a few more minutes.  This isn't my picture, because I ate them all and forgot to take a picture of my own!

2nd Just in case you missed my post on Friday, and because (I am still so proud of myself) I feel I am entitled to share again.
I "made it," get it?  My first 5 k!  Get used to me talking about it, because I am sure I will find some way to work it in to at least five more posts:).

3rd  For school I made a vertical number line.  Yep, a vertical one.  In what little Core training we received this year, the trainer told us to try and find a vertical number line.  Have you tried to find a vertical number line?  So, I made my own.

I used PowerPoint and put two numbers per slide.  Then I printed them out 2 to a page for the classroom, and 16 to a page for small group and student use.  Don't skip the add border option on the print screen.  The border gives you a line to cut on.
Then I cut them out and taped them together.  We have high ceilings at our site, so I think this will fit.  However, I am going to wait and see before I put it on construction paper and laminate it.  My sister teaches 6th grade too, and I am going to make her number line using the "4 to the page" print option.  The link for the number line is on my Facebook page!  It is free!  We all need it, and I am happy to share!  It looks a little out of line on the drive, but when you download it everything should be in place.  Please leave me a little love if you download it - I am needy that way, and I need more followers for my Facebook page:)  

Hope you can use it!  If you have questions about it, don't hesitate to send an email!

Enjoy your week, and I will touch base again on Wednesday with more of my Master Math Notebook!


  1. Congrats on "making" your 5k! Never seen a vertical number line in action...way cool.
    Rock Stars At Work

  2. Congrats on the 5K! That's big. You got any more races planned. That's what I always do and it keeps me motivated.

    I like that vertical number line (let only, number lines in general).

    Congrats for Makin' it
    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  3. I would love your vertical number line, but I don't do facebook. Any way I can get that from you?

    Hodges Herald

  4. Vertical number line...what's the super cool logic behind that? Not knocking it, just curious!

    Congrats on the 5K and healthy breakfast lifestyle. The muffins looks delicious! :)

    Thanks for linking up as always!

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  5. Yum, those muffins sound tasty.
    But I have to admit, I don't understand why you have to have a vertical number line. Yours looks very nice, though.
    And yeah on your race!

    1. The word problems for integers usually have to do with temperature, or altitude. And up and down make more sense than right or left for adding and subtracting for a lot of students. Think of it as a thermometer:)

  6. Congrats on the 5k! I like the number line!
    Also, I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award for upcoming bloggers. If you go back to my post you can read more about it:)

  7. Quite accomplished! I'm excited to find your blog! Even though I teach 1st and 2nd grade special education, I love finding blogs serving a different population than I. I think collaboration is important - and besides I wouldn't have been able to find this pear and walnut muffin recipe! See- so much to offer :)

    Your newest follower,

    Mindful Rambles

  8. Good for you!! Running is a wonderful stress release, it's just hard to find time to do it. Keep it up, you will have more energy and feel better every day. I'm sure you will have many more 5K's in your future. You are motivating me to get my body back out there to run!
    I love the vertical number line! It looks much better than the ones I slap onto the board in a hurry during a lesson! Thank you so much for your resources!!!!

    Keep Running,
