SRI Growth!


Just wanted to thank everyone who left comments and welcomed me to the world of blogging.  It will be challenging, but I am excited about it.  I am still trying to visit and "follow" my fellow bloggers, but I am not sure if I have it down yet.  I have tried to add a few things to my simple blog, and I think it looks a little better.  Knowing myself all too well, it will only be a matter of time before I have researched every blog, template, and design:)  Just need to keep the focus on the content and not the fluff for a bit!

READ 180

Since we are still "busy," cleaning out and reorganizing are not possible.  I thought that I would share the only board that I left up.  It is for their SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) and shows their growth (Lexiles) since August.   My 6th graders are with me for all subjects and Read 180/System 44, and my 7th graders are with me just one period.  They have been done so well this year, that I had to brag a little.  This board is just for my 6th graders.
"Surf's Up" - SRI Growth Bulletin Board

The blurry blue parts next to the individual growth are their names.  Two of them are hidden behind the computers.  Our district expects each secondary student to grow 150 Lexiles during the year in Read 180 or System 44.  Most of my students have blown right past that expectation - in March!  They are so excited to take the May/End of the Year SRI in a few weeks!  Just in case you are wondering, there were 27 students in my class in March.  There are 30 students with me now - a little higher than your normal Read 180 class, but I have them for most of the day.

Thanks for letting me brag a little about my students!  Next time, I will let you have a peek at the Read 180 notebooks that I am working on! 


  1. Wow! I can't imagine doing Read 180 with so many students! How do you manage that?! Also, I'm curious to know your feelings about using the Lexile scores to sort your library and measure student growth. I've been reading a lot of things about how Lexile scores are determined by vocabulary and sentence length rather than content and maturity. Does your district require you to use this?

  2. Yes, it is a required component of the program.

    We used several other measures at first, and they basically gave a score/level similar the SRI. When the students pick a book that is too high, or too low, it shows on their quiz results.

    My Read 180 library is sorted and labeled. They were just looking at a poster to pick their books. The cubes/crates that the R180 library came in make it difficult to see the titles of the books. This year, I have students who have read through the R180 library and need more titles. We have added to our library with more R180 books, but those titles are not on the poster. Additionally, my personal classroom library is not leveled. So, I am attempting to give them a more organized choice to picking out their next title.

    As far to as how to do it with so many? I have 10 computers, and the whole morning with them. Three rotations still work. One year I had as few as 24, and it was heaven. The next I had 34 - which meant 4 rotations, and that was not heaven.
