Have you ever had one of those weeks when you stopped to buy a lottery ticket...out of desperation? I didn't win.
My kids are still adorable! We had a frustrating week with technology, impending R-Skills tests, and middle school drama. Plus, some of the older kids on campus made several poor choices. Which resulted in two afternoons ending with an "important announcement from your principal." After which, one or more of my babies would look at me and ask, "What is he talking about?" Oh, my babies! They are so adorable, at least for another few months!
With all the technology mishaps, we had a little unexpected time available to us. So, I got the kids started on Book Recommendations.
I was so pleased with them! We tried them at the beginning of the year, and it was a failure. This time, they ran with them! They were writing, consulting with their elbow partners, and editing with very little direction or help from me. Before you judge them, don't forget that they are in Read 180 for a reason.
Did I mention that we had a little unexpected time because of the technology mishaps? Not to mention that I am pretty sure I broke them on Wednesday with my amazing (not) tape diagram lesson (otherwise known as the longest and most painful lesson in the history of teaching). I felt a little guilty and let them do some mini-book projects.
They were so happy to just create and color. They were very happy to color and not do tape diagrams. Most were content with just coloring a book cover.
Most of them were content, but not all of them. One of my students thinks outside the box. At the five minute warning, I noticed his entire table scrambling around getting things for him. I wandered over, and was met by a chorus of begging, "He just needs a little bit more time!" He was amazing them with his scene. These pictures really do not do it justice. He had three scenes of Alcatraz on his paper. One was an "aerial view" of the island. Another was of the cell blocks and the actual escape ("on the right people are going to the hole"). And a "3-D modle." Yes, a "modle." It is clearly labeled, "3-D modle." I know that I should have corrected it, but it made me smile. Do you see the sharks? I LOVE my kids!!!!!
In honor of their wonderful Book Recommendations, the form will be on sale this weekend at 20% off! It is a steal!