A Peek at My Week

Sundays take on a whole new feeling when they are in the middle of a three-day weekend!  They are lazy and slow, just what I needed.  Before I let myself sink into another round of Netflix, I thought I would come out from my cocoon of heat packs (yes, I am still hurting from my fall, but slowly getting better), and link up with my friend, Jennifer.
  1. Clean up loose ends from the sub plans, that were hopefully followed on Friday.  Deal with any discipline issues - please, let there be only small ones!  
  2. Set up HW in their Agendas, pass out HW, and start warmups for the week.
  3. Continue working on adding and subtracting unlike fractions - small doses, carefully picked for opportunities for success, with lots of praise.
  4. During rotations, edit the Perfect Paragraphs written on Friday - please, let the paragraphs have been written on Friday!
  5. Continue with the Social Studies Text Breakdown - the kids loved the lessons last week!  It worked so well!  So worth the time! 

  1. Continue working on fractions - I might actually bring in a couple pans of brownies and cut them up differently to help illustrate equivalent fractions.  And they might get to eat them, if they behaved for the sub on Friday.
  2. Move ahead into our Read 180 Workshop on Alien Invaders with emphasis on cause and effect- full of snakes, and creepy crawlers, they love it!
  3. Then more Social Studies Breakdown - I have been giving them points for answers that make sense, taking points for careless answers, and then giving other tables an opportunity to make a "save."  It got a little rowdy, but they were totally engaged.
  4. Set up for another sub!  
  1. Spend the day at the district office for training on Common Core - please, let it worth my time!
  2. Back to the site to teach my little Intervention Math group - not sure how this is going to work, but I will figure it out.
  1.  Clean up loose ends from the sub plans, that were hopefully followed on Thursday.  Deal with any discipline issues - please, let there be only small ones!
And that should give you a pretty good idea about what my week is shaping up to be like!
Before I go, I wanted to remind you that our "300" Celebration is still going on!
We have some wonderful bloggy buddies, including Jennifer, who are celebrating with us!
You will need to visit their blogs in order to find the answers you need to unlock the Scavenger Hunt Prize folder.  Just in case you don't have them all on bloggy speed dial, links are provided below:)

It has come to our attention that one of the prizes in the Scavenger Hunt folder was not complete, Erin has fixed it.  If you downloaded the Cupid Shuffle earlier in the weekend, please go download the revised product.  So sorry!
Don't forget to go over to Mrs. Laffin's Laughings to take a Peek at [Everyone Else's] Week!

1 comment

  1. It is so hard to be away, if even for a day. Here's hoping it all went (and will go) smoothly!

    Thanks for linking up!
