Honestly, I have to thank Erin from the bottom of my heart for hosting this "300" Celebration with me, and for tackling the Rafflecopter portion. Me? I made pretty pictures.
If you haven't already checked in with Erin, click on over there to see who is the lucky Grand Prize Winner! Since she did the Rafflecopter, I will leave that honor to her!
Thank you to everyone for joining in on the Scavenger Hunt, and a special thank you to our wonderful bloggy friends who graciously donated their products for the Prize folders! It just wouldn't have been a party without you!
Make sure you check back later in the week for an installation of my new series, "Did It Really Work or Did it Just Look Good?" Halfway through the year, I think it is time to revisit a few Pinterest inspired creations from the summer, and make a few confessions (or victory laps).
Again, thank you again for "following" and playing along with our Scavenger Hunt! As a little extra reward, and to keep the celebration going for just a little bit longer....my Book Recommendation Form will be up as a FLASH FREEBIE until NCIS is over tonight (PST). Mmmmm...I do love that Mark Harmon:)

Oh...I can't wait to read "Did it Really Work or Did It Just Look Good?" I bet this going to be good! Thanks again for letting me participate! xo
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
Glad the giveaway went well! Love your idea for a Pinterest reflection flashback. So many of those pics look great, but are not so awesome in reality.
I just got the email this morning (1:59 AM) about the flash freebie and now it is over. Bummer :(
ReplyDeleteI promise I wasn't avoiding your emails. I just had too much to say from my phone. Haha! And yes, I think I'm still recovering from all that work! Every time I get on the computer now, Joel says, "I thought the giveaway was done!" lol
ReplyDeleteI do have to agree that we had the best team working with us on this giveaway. I just adore all of my bloggy friends!!!!
I love this Pinterest reflection idea. Have you ever seen the Pintester? She doesn't do educational things and is super inappropriate, but that's partly why I love her! haha
Big hugs to you, my sweet friend. Hope you're feeling better each day!